Keep an eye on your future
We service a range of high net-worth individuals and family private clients across multiple jurisdictions. We provide a turnkey solution, dealing with all the relevant parties in the establishment and administration of foreign superannuation funds, for clients peace of mind.
We tailor out solution to your needs. Please select your circumstance, I am…
A Returning Australian
Emigrating to Australia for Work
Moving to Australia under the SIV
Considering an Occupational Plan
Otherwise Motivated
Client Benefits of Northland Group Foreign Superannuation Funds:
- Freedom to retire to country of choice
- Move between jurisdictions easily
- Hold a wide variety of assets efficiently
- Tax-free accumulation*
- Asset protection and estate planning benefits*
- Flexible draw-down at retirement age
* The information does not take into account client’s objectives, financial situation or needs and clients should seek independent advice to see if the solution is appropriate for them.
Client set-up steps
Provide documentation
Northland begins preparation
Establishment of fund
Nominate financial advisor
Begin contributing and benefiting
Estate Planning Opportunities
By utilising a foreign will to govern the assets in your foreign superannuation fund, considerable estate planning opportunities can be enjoyed. We recommend that consideration is given to a succession plan in relation to your assets held personally and in an foreign superannuation fund.
For more information on the estate planning opportunities, please don’t hesitate to contact us.